Assessing awareness related to the SDGs among Students


In an effort to gain insights into the perspectives of students on the SDGs, especially education and environmental sustainability, two surveys were conducted to explore their thoughts and ideas: A pre-test and a post-test. The survey revealed interesting findings about students’ perceptions and knowledge. This article highlights the key takeaways from the survey, emphasizing changes in opinions and the increasing awareness of global issues.


The quality of education and environmental sustainability are two critical aspects of our society’s progress. Students play a pivotal role in shaping the future, making it essential to understand their perspectives on these subjects. A recent survey sought to gauge students’ opinions on the education system and their involvement in environmental sustainability initiatives.

Education System Quality

When students were asked about the single change they would suggest making to improve their country’s education system, their responses were categorized into five groups:

  1. Less Pressure
  2. Quality of Education
  3. Infrastructure
  4. I Don’t Know
  5. Environment Awareness

Notably, the number of students who answered “I don’t know” was reduced to zero in the post-test, indicating a significant increase in awareness and opinions about improving the education system.

Environmental Sustainability

To understand how students contribute to the sustainability of their communities, they were asked about their initiatives. Three main types of answers emerged: “reducing waste,” “green transportation,” and “no opinion, does not know.” Similarly, the “no opinion” group decreased substantially in the post-test, reflecting a growing awareness of sustainability goals.

Community Engagement

The survey also explored students’ involvement in humanitarian organizations in their hometowns. It was observed that the number of students who correctly identified these organizations increased in the post-test, reducing the “don’t know” group.

Relevance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Students were asked which school subjects they thought were relevant for understanding the SDGs. The most common answers were math and science, reflecting an understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of these goals.

Elements of Quality Education

When asked about key elements in quality education, most students mentioned the quality of teaching, with some outliers emphasizing examination and the quality of the curriculum, physical education, and language.

Environmental Awareness

Students’ awareness of environmental issues varied depending on their location, with no clear pattern in waste sightings on the shorelines.

Carbon Footprint Impact

Most students reported positively impacting their carbon footprint by using public transport and cycling to school, and by switching off electronic devices when not in use.

Familiarity with Environmental Organizations

Greenpeace was the most commonly recognized environmental organization among students.

Global South Assistance

A significant percentage of students felt that rich countries do not provide enough assistance to the Global South countries, with a slight shift in opinion after the survey.


The survey revealed a growing awareness among students regarding the quality of education, environmental sustainability, and global issues. The shift from “I don’t know” responses to more informed opinions suggests that efforts to raise awareness about these critical topics are making an impact. With education and environmental concerns being top priorities for the younger generation, there is hope for a more sustainable and informed future.